Why ?

I have a simple frontend dockerised app on http://localhost:8000
I have a simple backend dockerised API on http://localhost:8001 serving my frontend
I need to start a database for my backend

How to launch all this at once, in one cmd line ?

Tested Configuration:
MacOS: Sierra 10.12
Docker: 18.03 CE
Docker-compose: 1.21.1

Makefile + Docker

What is a Makefile:

Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables from the programā€™s source files. Make knows how to build your program by reading a file called the makefile.

When you write a program, you should write a makefile for it, so that it is possible to use Make to build and install the program. Many automation UIā€™s for build processes use makefiles (or similar) behind the scenes.

When do I use a Makefile:

Makefile Example:

#env variable definition

export PORT_FRONTEND=8000
export PORT_BACKEND=8001
export APP=myappname
export DC_DIR=${APP_PATH}
export DC_PREFIX=${DC_DIR}/docker-compose

#other variable definition

date  := $(shell date -I)
DC    := 'docker-compose'

#secret env variable definition in a .gitignore file called artifacts

include ./artifacts

# commands definition

## docker network commands definition

        @docker network create ${APP} 2> /dev/null; true

# Note: you may wonder what @ stands for ? in makefile, adding @ before a command means "don't print the command in the output"

        @echo cleaning ${APP} docker network
        docker network rm ${APP}

## backend commands definition

backend: network
        ${DC} -f ${DC_PREFIX}-backend.yml up --build -d

        ${DC} -f ${DC_PREFIX}-backend.yml logs --build -d

        ${DC} -f ${DC_PREFIX}-backend.yml down

## frontend commands definition

frontend: network
        ${DC} -f ${DC_PREFIX}-frontend.yml up --build -d

        ${DC} -f ${DC_PREFIX}-frontend.yml logs --build -d

        ${DC} -f ${DC_PREFIX}-frontend.yml down

## database commands definition

database: network
        ${DC} -f ${DC_PREFIX}-database.yml up -d

        ${DC} -f ${DC_PREFIX}-database.yml down

## useful commands definition

up: network database backend frontend

down: frontend-stop backend-stop database-stop network-stop

## access the LIUNX current user value.
## $USER won't work since it refers to a Makefile variable we haven't defined

        echo $$USER

Note: all configuration lays inside the different docker-compose-XXX files.

How to use ?

  1. Go to your project folder (where the makefile is stored)
  2. Run make up
  3. Thatā€™s it, you can go to your browser and see that you frontend works, your backend is actually serving your frontend using the data from your database.

One problem:Ā 

Makefile command may be different on the OS you run. For instance, between MacOS and Ubuntu, some command may be different; The reason is the unix shell that will execute the makefile can be different.
Here is a list of unix shells:

Unix shell name explanation
sh The original Bourne shell Present on every unix system
ksh Original Korn shell Richer shell programming environment than sh
csh Original C-shell C-like syntax; early versions buggy
tcsh Enhanced C-shell User-friendly and less buggy csh implementation
bash GNU Bourne-again shell Enhanced and free sh implementation
zsh Z shell Enhanced, user-friendly ksh-like shell

you can try to add this line at the top of your makefile in order to force the use of bash (for instance): SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash

NotesĀ :


make reference: gnu.org

Docker + CircleCI: straight-to-production-with-docker-ansible-and-circleci

$() VS ${}: function-and-difference-between-and-in-makefile

Useful commands: gl.developpez.com

unix shell details: stackoverflow.com