In the process of onboarding a new startup, I had to question myself on what to do at the very beginning. Like everyone, I did some research, talked to friends who are CTOs or dev. Here is a quick list of topics and areas the new CTO should tackle first. This is not a story: it’s literally an unsorted list of points you should think in advance before day one.

One important thing to consider : the size and maturity of the startup you are onboarding, since you’ll have very different approaches regarding the maturity of the already existing tech. In my case, the product doesn’t exist yet, we are still at a very early stage. If you are onboarding a more mature team, some topics might be not appropriate/missing (ex: code audit & upgrading technologies)

You are part of something

First, understand your position & its boundaries


It is your role to create the structure for your tech team to be efficient. Subsequently, it defines the management style you aim for. At a very early stage, don’t overthink it: 3 devs don’t require well-defined organizations. But soon, you’ll have to split your tech team into smaller crews, and you better have anticipated this. Main reason: an organization require cultural values (ex: autonomy) shared by your team. To give an example: one of the reason Agile methods fail is when people don’t identify themselves to its values. Sometimes you can’t change people, so better hire them carefully with this topic in mind. Keep in mind that the organization is alive: it evolves with your team size.

Values: on top of your enterprise culture, try to find pillars for your product, and they will drive its development.
_ex: reliability & velocity

Note: asynchronous communication (as cultural values) has impact on your organization. You will then choose appropriates tools and decision-making process for this to operate. It brings great values, allowing anyone to be listened to and maturing its opinion before sharing it. It also avoids interruptions.

Product Management - Agility

This goes down to handling project management. Most of the time the CTO tries to gather crew of maximum size 8 persons. Then you have two options :

There are two big method I know of :

Before detailing, let’s talk about a few concepts:

Main differences between Kanban and scrum:

Some methods can’t apply to your team, or will require hiring. Pay attention to that.

Also, be very careful to avoid a systemic micro-management

There are many documentation online for Agile methodology. Feel free to dig.

Product roadmap

Keep in mind you are still early stage, so you need to find a market fit as fast as possible for your product. Focus on the essential.

There are different methods for doing so. But they all end up with you facing a backlog of ideas for your product. Choose the main areas (group of ideas) that you want in production in 3 months. The Scrum fans will use a userStoryMap, but other ways exist. The person in charge of this job can be called by different names : product owner, product manager, and also CTO at the beginning.

Ultimately, share your roadmap construction with your associates, and your team. This defines the purpose of the company, and everyone must adhere to it. You don’t have to decide, but to organize the process defining the roadmap.


Crucial, especially for the first core team ! You cannot mess the 5 first recruits. They must:

Use it to bring missing abilities from the outside world

Hiring is a huge topic, please refer to link below or dig on specific resources. I cannot write more here. In one sentence: can you see in them as CTO in 5 years ?

My opinion : after the first devs, hire a fullstack designer (confident to do UX & UI). In the meantime, use freelances before you get the appropriate one (can also be a way to find your proper candidate).

For Early stage startups, the main concern will be sourcing good candidates. Find what makes you sexy for them (, working with you, your company value proposition), and where they can hear about you (meetups, podcast, blog…).


That’s entirely up to you.

For trends and adoption of tech, the stackoverflow Trends is very useful !


Fill your team with energy ! There are numerous ways : work with them, inspire them every week, create common goals, excitement, challenges, rewards…

Spread your vision, by doing regular all-hands meeting (every quarter for instance) for a tech vision and strategy update : explain how your tech choices can implement it


Manage people

People need to talk to you, privately. Sometimes of silly sports results, sometimes of their personnal issues and sometimes about other coworkers. It is very important to create a regular weekly moment with as many people as you directly work with, of 30min. They will know you will be really open to listen to them. It’s much more powerful than “My door is always open” translating in no one pushes your door.

A study from somanyways shows people’s motivation to work can be split into 5 topics :

It’s important to understand people around you, and this analysis grid helps.


Other topics

In 3 words

If I have to give only 3 words, to summarize an early stage CTO:


curated list of resources Awesome CTO on GitHub
@Spotify Agile organization Praveen blog
Manifest of enterprise culture toucantoco
Examples of cultural values & hiring tips Alab blog
Rajiv Pant’s Linkdin post 90 Day Plan for a CTO in a New Job
Rajiv Pant’s blog career chart example
Roadmap using Story mapping by Andrea Gigante
Book Frederic Laloux reinventing organizations on koober
Holacracy introduction for new management style Brian Robertson’s Tedx
Article about the feedback culture
code guideline: best code is no code, or short code
Notes of interviews I lead with CTOs & lead Devs
Choose a NodeJS framework Theodo Blog